Craig Weber

5 myths about infrastructure-as-code via general purpose programming languages

There's an ongoing debate among infrastructure-as-code practitioners between configuration languages like YAML and HCL and using "real programming languages" (including domain specific programming languages) to generate configuration. The debate is going very poorly because there is a lot of confusion about the "real programming languages" position, so I want to correct some of the common points of confusion ("myths") so the conversation can focus on more substantial concerns.


These are all concerns I've heard/read. They aren't strawman arguments, and anyway popular misconceptions among my 'opponents' doesn't imply that their conclusion is wrong or that mine is right (all of these myths could be widely believed and yet there could still be--and certainly are--good arguments for configuration languages). Further, I'm sure not everyone in the configuration language camp believes any or all of these myths, and many people that I respect are in the configuration language camp (for now, anyway!).


1. Using a programming language implies imperatively updating infrastructure

Some people are concerned that an infinite loop in their program might spawn an infinite number of VMs or other resources. Others imagine that they will have to reimplement much of Terraform/CloudFormation/etc including logic to determine what updates need to be applied, how to rollback, deletion protection, etc.

The key misunderstanding is that "generating configuration" means exactly that--you're generating the static configuration that is then fed into a tool like Terraform or CloudFormation. The tools still do the hard part: figuring out what updates to apply, rollbacks, etc.

2. Using a programming language introduces unpredictability

Some are worried that if they aren't reading and writing static configuration files and committing them to git, it will be opaque to them what changes will be applied. This is probably an extension of the aforementioned confusion between "imperatively updating infrastructure" and "generating configuration". Importantly, because our scripts' output is itself input to an infrastructure-as-code solution, it's always possible to inspect that directly just like if your team had written it directly, modulo perhaps comments, style, etc. Further, Terraform and CloudFormation also have the ability to preview changes before you apply them, and those same features are also available.

3. Using a programming language is incompatible with declarative infrastructure

I think this is just a misunderstanding of what "declarative" means. I think people initially confuse it with "static" or "constant" (as in "it doesn't execute or evaluate", not as in "statically typed"). This is odd because CloudFormation and Terraform's respective configuration languages aren't strictly static in any meaningful way--they describe (or "declare") instructions that must be evaluated by CF/TF; just because the AST is expressed via YAML or HCL instead of having semantics expressed in syntax doesn't make it meaningfully static. This is implied by CloudFormation's "template" noun (templates are evaluated by definition).

Declarative also doesn't mean "static", it means (something like) the composition of evaluatable expressions ("static configuration" being a strict subset thereof), and there are many programming languages that meet this criteria and many more that allow for a declarative style. For example, you can use a very declarative subset of Python to evaluate into YAML:

# This is an example from a prototype Python-to-CloudFormation library I wrote:
bucket_name_parameter = ParameterString(Description="The name of the bucket")
key_arn_parameter = ParameterString(
    Description="The ARN of the KMS key used to encrypt the bucket",
bucket = Bucket(BucketName=bucket_name_parameter)
t = Template(
    description="S3 Bucket Template",
        "BucketName": bucket_name_parameter,
        "KMSKeyARN": key_arn_parameter,
        "Bucket": bucket,
        "BucketPolicy": ManagedPolicy(
                "Version": "2012-10-17",
                "Statement": [
                        "Sid": "AllowFullAccessToBucket",
                        "Action": "s3:*",
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Resource": Sub(
                        "Sid": "AllowUseOfTheKey",
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": key_arn_parameter,
                        "Sid": "AllowAttachmentOfPersistentResources",
                        "Effect": "Allow",
                        "Action": [
                        "Resource": key_arn_parameter,
                        "Condition": {
                            "Bool": {"kms:GrantIsForAWSResource": True}


4. Programming languages are necessarily turing complete (and that's a big problem)

There's a potential semantic argument about whether or not 'programming language' implies 'Turing completeness'. Certainly most are, and I'm happy to concede that argument; the thing I care about is that the language can evaluate a fixed set of inputs to a (set of?) arbitrary CloudFormation template(s) or Terraform module(s). This definition of "programming language" includes things like Starlark and Dhall are valid solutions (Starlark looks like Python though not as flexible and it's an easier sell to developers; however, there is no static analysis tooling for it. By contrast Dhall is built by Haskellers so no one wants to learn it but it has a static type system) even though they aren't Turing complete.

One concern that has been expressed to me is that a Turing complete language would allow someone ('s coworkers) to spin up infinite VMs due to an accidental infinite loop. First of all, if you use a declarative language or style of programming, you aren't writing unbounded loops. Secondly, infinite loops and other non-terminating bugs are a rare class of bug in general and especially the kinds of languages that are amenable to generating YAML/etc. Thirdly, if one of these infinite loops was introduced, it would merely fail to generate the configuration to pass into Terraform/CloudFormation; it wouldn't try to stand up infrastructure in the loop.

Rather than being concerned about Turing completeness, I would be more worried that someone would write code with side effects--accessing disk or network--however, that sort of bug seems very unlikely and easy enough to catch in code review (and if your organization really can't be trusted to consistently avoid these bugs, then any embedded scripting language would suit, including Dhall and Starlark).

5. The principle of least power says that we should use configuration languages

The principle of least power states that we should aim for "the least powerful language that is suitable for the task" (emphasis mine) not the least powerful language (period). The question is whether or not YAML/HCL are suitable for the task, and I think they are not because everything seems to be trending in the direction of general purpose languages:

  • Terraform and CloudFormation's featuresets are becoming increasingly dynamic / powerful with each release
  • AWS recently released a CDK to allow developers to declare their infrastructure with popular programming languages
  • Pulumi also allows developers to declare infra with popular programming languages