Craig Weber

Some History of JVM and WASM

I came across a thread on HackerNews recently, about why WASM was built rather than relying on the JVM which seemed to have similar sandboxing goals. The specific question was (link):

I thought Java had all of this sandboxing stuff baked in? Wasn't that a big selling point for the JVM once upon a time? Every other WASM thread has someone talking about how WASM is unnecessary because JVM exists, so the idea that JVM actually needs WASM to do sandboxing seems pretty surprising!

John Millikin provided an excellent response here that seemed worth sharing:

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NFSv4 macOS Domain Configuration

I've seen dozens of questions on the Internet about how to allow macOS users to edit files on their NFSv4 shares, but almost nowhere have I found any answers. I finally figured it out for myself, so I want to document it for others. Read More

Supporting Magic Trackpad 2 on Linux Mint

I recently bought a cheap little computer and threw Linux Mint on it, and to minimize cord clutter, I wanted to replace my USB mouse with my Magic Trackpad 2. Mostly it worked reasonably well out of the box, but I did have to make a few manual changes. This post documents the problems I ran into, how I solved them, and what remains to be solved.

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Exposing Kubernetes service to LAN

As 🇺🇸🦅🆓 day approaches, I've been wanting to introduce my wife to the 1996 Will Smith film by the same name. I have the film on an external hard drive, hooked up to my Jellyfin media server which is accessible on my Tailscale VPN ("tailnet" in Tailscale parlance). However, neither our smart TVs nor our router support Tailscale, so I needed to figure out how to expose my media server (which is running as a Kubernetes service) to my LAN. This post will lay out my solution.

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Just make your own language

TL;DR: Musings about "just make your own language" as a trite retort to programming language criticism and how "rewrite it in Rust" might be threatening that attitude.

I've been programming since the early 2000s. I started in PHP, and then learned Java, Python, C, and C++. In the early days especially, programming communities were super toxic. If you had questions and didn't read The Correct Textbook About The Blessed Programming Language™️, you would be berated. If you did read said textbook and it didn't address your question, you would still be berated for trying to do something outside of the instruction of The Correct Textbook (if The Correct Textbook™️ doesn't discuss it, then you don't need it, heretic!).

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Fallout: easy(ish) installation on macOS (Apple Silicon)

Having just finished the TV series of the same title, I figured it would be a good time to replay one of my favorite games from my teenage years: Fallout, but I don't own a Windows computer and the game was never released for macOS. Fortunately, the excellent Fallout Community Edition project faithfully reimplements the game, although the installation instructions for macOS are, for the moment, a mess. While those instructions are being ironed out in the issue tracker, I'm hoping this guide can help anyone who just wants to play the game on a Mac with minimal fuss.

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Efficient SSG with CSP

In this post, I'm going to discuss my new static site generator which uses communicating sequential processes (also known as "actors") to efficiently build a static site from source, improving performance on the order of 10X (on my laptop) by efficiently using all available cores.

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Overlayroot Problem Statement

This week I've been looking at overlayroot as a potential solution to reduce the effort to make changes to the nodes in my Raspberry Pi cluster. In this post I want to brain-dump about the problem I'm hoping it solves and the problems I'm running into with respect to implementing overlayroot as well as potential solutions that I'm exploring.

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Moving blog to EC2 Spot Instance

We recently moved from Chicago to Des Moines, and we're staying in an AirBnB for a couple months while we look for the right house to buy. In the meanwhile, most of our stuff (including critical components of my homelab) are in storage, which means my blog wasn't running. In this transient period, I figured I would try to run my blog in the cloud, and while there are easier and even cheaper options, I decided to try out running it on EC2 in order to learn a bit more about traditional Linux system administration. This post will document the approach I arrived at.

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I'm starting a new series where I briefly discuss what I've been working on, what I've read, and what I'd like to explore. I'm just calling it "Update" because I know I can't commit to any particular schedule. To find out what I've been thinking about recently, read on.

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